Friday, October 17, 2014

Pole Testing to Begin Monday!

Osmose Utilities Services will be performing utility pole tests in the Lincoln & Monterey townships in Cuming County; Webster township (including the village of Dodge) in Dodge County; the northern Lincoln township of Colfax County and the eastern Maple Creek township of Stanton County in the Cuming County Public Power District area. Work to begin the week of October the 20th and will take a few weeks. You will see their pick-ups and ATV’s along the country roads. Please be aware of these workers and drive carefully.
 Most utility poles are made of wood and their constant exposure to the environment takes a toll. Wind, moisture and soil conditions all can distress or decay wood. Regular pole inspection and treatment helps to spot and take care of any problems before they become critical situations.
 Osmose Utilities Services is a professional firm that is an expert in pole evaluations. Employees from Osmose will be identifiable by company logos, equipment, shirts and hard hats and will carry identification.
 For more information, stop at the CCPPD office 500 South Main Street West Point or call (402) 372-2463.

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